Friday, November 18, 2011

Accountants Helper: Understanding question verbs

Accountants Helper: Understanding question verbs

Understanding question verbs

ACCA examiners have highlighted the lack of understanding of the requirements of question verbs as the most serious weakness in many candidates scripts. Given below are some common question verbs used in exams.

Analyse Break into separate parts and discuss, examine, or interpret each part
Apply To put into action pertinently and/or relevantly
Assess To judge the worth, importance, evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance Calculate To ascertain by computation, to make an estimate of; evaluate, to perform a mathematical process Comment To remark or express an opinion
Compare Examine two or more things to identify similarities and differences
Conclusion The result or outcome of an act or process or event, final arrangement or settlement
Criticise Present the weaknesses/problems; evaluate comparative worth. Don’t explain the situation. Instead, analyse it
Define Give the meaning; usually a meaning specific to the course or subject
Describe Give a detailed account or key features. List characteristics, qualities and parts
Discuss Consider and debate/argue about the pros and cons of an issue. Examine in-detail by using arguments in favour or against
Evaluate Determine the scenario in the light of the arguments for and against
Explain Make an idea clear. Show logically how a concept is developed. Give the reason for an event
Illustrate Give concrete examples. Explain clearly by using comparisons or examples
Interpret Comment on, give examples, describe relationships
List List several ideas, aspects, events, things, qualities, reasons, etc
Outline Describe main ideas, characteristics, or events
Recommend Advise the appropriate actions to pursue in terms the recipient will understand
Relate Show the connections between ideas or events
State Explain precisely
Summarise Give a brief, condensed account. Include conclusions. Avoid unnecessary details

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

QCR rating firms

Sr. No.
Name of firm
1. A. A. Baig & Co.
2. A. Aziz Chaudhury & Co.
3. A.F. Ferguson & Co.
4. A. M. Laliwala & Co.
5. A. R. Khan & Co.
6. Abbas & Co.
7. Abbas Karjatwala & Co.
8. Abdan & Co.
9. Ahmad Junaid & Co.
10. Ahmed Mushir & Co.
11. Akhter Mahmood Mian
12. Amin & Co.
13. Amin Mudassar & Co.
14. Amir Alam Khan & Co.
15. Anjum Asim Shahid Rahman
16. Arshad Raheem & Co.
17. Aslam Malik & Co.
18. Avais Hyder Liaquat Nauman 
19. Azhar Zafar & Co.
20. Baker Tilly Mehmood Idrees Qamar
21. BDO Ebrahim & Co.
22. Daudally Lalani & Co.
23. Ernst & Young Ford Rhodes Sidat Hyder
24. Faisal Iqbal Khawaja
25. Faruq Ali & Co.
26. Fazal Mahmood & Co.
27. Feroze Sharif Tariq & Co.
28. F.R.A.N.T.S & Co.
29. Ghalib & Co.
30. Hafizullah & Co.
31. Haider Shamsi & Co.
32. Hameed Chaudhri & Co.
33. Hameed Zahid & Co.
34. Haroon Zakaria & Co.
35. Hashmi & Co.
36. Hassan Farooq & Co.
37. HLB Ijaz Tabussum & Co.
38. Horwath Hussain Chaudhury & Co.
39. Hyder Bhimji & Co.
40. Ibrahim, Shaikh & Co.
41. Ilyas Saeed & Co.
42. Imran Saeed & Co.
43. Jalis Ahmad & Co.
44. Javaid Jalal Amjad & Co.
45. Javed & Co. 
46. Junaidy Alam Iqbal
47. Kabani & Co.
48. Kamran & Co.
49. KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co.
50. M. Almas & Co.
Sr. No.
Name of firm
51. M. Aslam & Co.
52. M. Ather & Co.
53. M. Sikandar & Co.
54. M. Yousuf Adil Saleem & Co.
55. Mahboob Sheikh & Co.
56. Mansoor Aslam Seraj Saleem 
57. Manzoor Hussain Mir & Co.
58. Maqbool Haroon Shahid Safdar & Co.
59. Moochhala Gangat & Co.
60. Mudassar Ehtisham & Co.
61. Munaf Yusuf & Co.
62. Muniff Ziauddin Junaidy & Co.
63. Mushtaq & Co.
64. Nasir Javaid Maqsood Imran
65. Naveed Zafar Husain Jaffery & Co.
66. Nazir Chaudhri & Co.
67. Qadeer & Co.
68. Qavi & Co.
69. Rafaqat Mansha Mohsin Dossani Masoom & Co.
70. Rahim Jan & Co.
71. Rahman Iqbal Umar Iftikhar & Co.
72. Rahman Sarfaraz Rahim Iqbal Rafiq
73. Riaz Ahmad & Co.
74. Riaz Ahmed Saqib Gohar & Co.
75. Rizwan & Co.
76. S. M. Masood & Co.
77. S. M. Rehan & Co.
78. S. M. Suhail & Co.
79. Saeed Mohy-ud-din & Co.
80. Salariya & Co.
81. Sarwar Awan & Co.
82. Sarwars
83. Shakir & Co.
84. Sheikh & Chaudhri
85. Shekha & Mufti
86. Tabassum Saleem & Co.
87. Tahir Siddiqi & Co.
88. Tanwir Arif & Co.
89. Tanzeem & Co.
90. Tariq Abdul Ghani & Co.
91. Tariq Ayub Anwar & Co.
92. UHY Hassan Naeem & Co.
93. Viqar A. Khan & Co.
94. Yaqub & Co.
95. Yusaf Saeed & Co.
96. Zaheer Babar & Co.
97. Zahid Jamil & Co.
98. Zakaria Loya  & Co.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

list of ACCA approved employers in Pakistan

1 Abbot Laboratories Pakistan Limited Gold
2 Algorithm Consulting Gold
3 Cherat Cement Company Limited Gold
4 FDM Capital Securities (Pvt.) Ltd Gold
5 Ferguson Assocaites Private Limited Gold
6 Haider Shamsi & Co Gold
7 Karachi Marriott Hotel (Hashwani Hotels Limited) Gold
8 Rafiq & Co Gold
9 Rauf Ayoob & Company Gold
10 Riaz Ahmad Saqib Gohar and Co Gold
11 S.M. Suhail & Co. Chartered Accountants Gold
12 Trakker Private Limited Gold
13 M. Yousuf Adil Saleem & Co. Chartered Accountant Gold

14 Ashraf & Co Platinum
15 Habib Bank Limited Platinum
16 ICI Pakistan Limited Platinum
17 IGI Insurance Limited Platinum
18 Muniff Ziauddin & Company Platinum
19 Pakistan State Oil Company Ltd Platinum19 Pakistan State Oil Company Ltd Platinum
20 Saudi Pak Leasing Company Limited Platinum
21 Unilever Pakistan Limited Platinum
22 A A Baig & Co, Chartered Accountants Silver
23 Abdul Wahid & Co Silver
24 Alfalah GHP Investment Management Ltd Silver
25 Anjum Asim Shahid Rahman Silver
26 Aqeel Karim Dhedhi Securities Pvt Ltd Silver
27 Avais Hyder Liaqat Nauman Silver
28 BDO Ebrahim & company, Chartered Accountants Silver
29 Callmate Telips Telecom Limited Silver
30 Caltex Oil Pakistan Limited
31 Civil Aviation Authority Silver
32 Daudally, Lalani & Co. Chartered Accountants Silver
33 Ford Rhodes Sidat Hyder & Co Silver
34 GlaxoSmithKline Pakistan Silver
35 Hafiz Tannery Silver
36 Haroon Zakaria & Company Silver
37 Herbion Pakistan Private Limited Silver
38 Hinopak Motors Limited Silver
39 Hyder Bhimji & Co Silver
40 International Credit Information Ltd Silver
41 Jaffer Brothers Private Ltd Silver
42 Jalis Ahmad & Co Silver
43 JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Limited Silver
44 Junaidy Alam & Iqbal Silver
45 Karachi Electric Supply Corporation Silver
46 Kausar Fecto & Co Chartered Accountants Silver
47 Kodvavi & Co Silver
48 KPMG Taseer Hadi Khalid & Co Silver
49 Meezan Bank Limited Silver50 Mehmood Idrees Qamar & Co. Silver
51 Mushtaq and Company Silver
52 NCR Corporation Silver
53 NIB Bank Limited Silver
54 ORIX Leasing Pakistan Limited Silver
55 Pakistan PTA Limited Silver
56 Platinum Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd Silver
57 Rahman Sarfarz Rahim Iqbal Rafiq & Co Silver
58 Rao & Company Silver
59 Rousch Pakistan Power Limited Silver
60 Sandhu & Co Silver
61 Sanofi-Aventis Pakistan Limited Silver
62 Shaheen Insurance Company Limited Silver
63 Shekha & Mufti Silver
64 Siemens Silver
65 State Bank Of Pakistan Silver
66 Taher Moochhala & Co Silver
67 Tanzeem Razzaq Company Silver
68 Tariq Abdul Ghani & Co Silver
69 TMT Ventures Limited Silver
70 United Bank Limited Silver
71 Wazir Ali Industries Limited Silver